This game is bad because its merely a conversion of the game chess, which is clearly a work of the devil and a game that only sinners play. I've never played myself, but from reading the rules, I've heard that one of the pieces, the Knight, moves in an L shape. Guess what? L is also the first letter in Lucifer. Also, another piece, the Queen, can move in both straight and unstraight lines. Anyone can see that it clearly promotes bisexuality. This game even has black pieces and white pieces, and the objective of one piece is to 'checkmate' the king of the other color and kill any other pieces of the opposite color that get in the way. Not only is this teaching chess players to become racist, but it teaches them to become murderers as well.
In conclusion, this game is the devil, just like the evil that is Pokemon! Anyone who has ever played this game is going to hell unless you repent for your sins immediately! You should buy as many copies of this game as you can so that you can burn them!
Believe it or not, I've actually been to a website that basically said all this stuff. Idiot "Christians".